Make Your Own Spending Chart

Check the boxes to chart agencies.
Click the plus symbols to open agencies.

  • U.S. Government
      • Department of Agriculture
        • Agricultural Marketing Service
        • Agricultural Research Service
        • Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
        • Buildings and Facilities
        • Departmental Management
        • Economic Research Service
        • Executive Operations
        • Farm Production and Conservation
        • Farm Service Agency
        • Food Safety and Inspection Service
        • Food and Nutrition Service
        • Foreign Agricultural Service
        • Forest Service
        • Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration
        • Hazardous Materials Management
        • National Agricultural Statistics Service
        • National Institute of Food and Agriculture
        • Natural Resources Conservation Service
        • Office of Chief Financial Officer
        • Office of Chief Information Officer
        • Office of Civil Rights
        • Office of Inspector General
        • Office of the General Counsel
        • Office of the Secretary
        • Other
        • Risk Management Agency
        • Rural Business-Cooperative Service
        • Rural Development
        • Rural Housing Service
        • Rural Utilities Service
      • Department of Commerce
        • Bureau of Economic Analysis
        • Bureau of Industry and Security
        • Bureau of the Census
        • Departmental Management
        • Economic Development Administration
        • International Trade Administration
        • Minority Business Development Agency
        • National Institute of Standards and Technology
        • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
        • National Technical Information Service
        • National Telecommunications and Information Administration
        • Other
        • Regional Development Program
        • Technology Administration
        • U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
        • United States Travel and Tourism Administration
      • Department of Defense
        • Allowances
        • Family Housing
        • International Reconstruction and Other Assistance
        • Military Construction
        • Military Personnel
        • Operation and Maintenance
        • Other
        • Procurement
        • Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation
        • Revolving and Management Funds
        • Special Foreign Currency Program
        • Trust Funds
      • Department of Education
        • Departmental Management
        • Hurricane Education Recovery
        • Institute of Education Sciences
        • Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education
        • Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
        • Office of English Language Acquisition
        • Office of Federal Student Aid
        • Office of Innovation and Improvement
        • Office of Postsecondary Education
        • Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
        • Other
      • Department of Energy
        • Departmental Administration
        • Energy Programs
        • Environmental and Other Defense Activities
        • National Nuclear Security Administration
        • Other
        • Power Marketing Administration
      • Department of Health Human Svcs
        • Administration for Children and Families
        • Administration for Community Living
        • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
        • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
        • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
        • Departmental Management
        • Food and Drug Administration
        • Health Resources and Services Administration
        • Indian Health Service
        • National Institutes of Health
        • Office of the Inspector General
        • Other
        • Program Support Center
        • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
      • Department of Homeland Security
        • Analysis and Operations
        • Citizenship and Immigration Services
        • Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office
        • Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
        • Federal Emergency Management Agency
        • Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
        • Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection
        • Management Directorate
        • Office of Health Affairs
        • Office of the Inspector General
        • Office of the Secretary and Executive Management
        • Office of the Under Secretary for Border and Transportation Security
        • Other
        • Science and Technology
        • Security, Enforcement, and Investigations
        • Transportation Security Administration
        • U.S. Customs and Border Protection
        • U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
        • United States Coast Guard
        • United States Secret Service
      • Department of Housing Urban Dev
        • Community Planning and Development
        • Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
        • Government National Mortgage Association
        • Housing Programs
        • Management and Administration
        • Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes
        • Other
        • Policy Development and Research
        • Public and Indian Housing Programs
      • Department of the Interior
        • Bureau of Indian Affairs
        • Bureau of Indian Education
        • Bureau of Land Management
        • Bureau of Mines
        • Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
        • Bureau of Reclamation
        • Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
        • Central Utah Project
        • Department-Wide Programs
        • Departmental Offices
        • Insular Affairs
        • National Biological Service
        • National Indian Gaming Commission
        • National Park Service
        • Office of Inspector General
        • Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
        • Office of the Solicitor
        • Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians
        • Other
        • United States Fish and Wildlife Service
        • United States Geological Survey
      • Department of Justice
        • Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
        • Drug Enforcement Administration
        • Federal Bureau of Investigation
        • Federal Prison System
        • General Administration
        • Interagency Law Enforcement
        • Legal Activities and U.S. Marshals
        • National Security Division
        • Office of Justice Programs
        • Other
        • Radiation Exposure Compensation
        • United States Parole Commission
      • Department of Labor
        • Bureau of Labor Statistics
        • Departmental Management
        • Employee Benefits Security Administration
        • Employment Standards Administration
        • Employment and Training Administration
        • Mine Safety and Health Administration
        • Occupational Safety and Health Administration
        • Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
        • Office of Labor Management Standards
        • Office of Workers' Compensation Programs
        • Office of the American Workplace
        • Other
        • Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
        • Wage and Hour Division
      • Department of State
        • Administration of Foreign Affairs
        • International Commissions
        • International Organizations and Conferences
        • Other
        • Other receipts
      • Department of Transportation
        • Bureau of Transportation Statistics
        • Federal Aviation Administration
        • Federal Highway Administration
        • Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
        • Federal Railroad Administration
        • Federal Transit Administration
        • Maritime Administration
        • National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
        • Office of Inspector General
        • Office of the Secretary
        • Other
        • Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
        • Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
        • Surface Transportation Board
      • Department of the Treasury
        • Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
        • Bureau of Engraving and Printing
        • Comptroller of the Currency
        • Department of the Treasury, activities
        • Departmental Offices
        • Federal Financing Bank
        • Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
        • Fiscal Service
        • Interagency Law Enforcement
        • Interest on the Public Debt
        • Internal Revenue Service
        • Office of Revenue Sharing
        • Office of Thrift Supervision
        • Other
        • United States Mint
      • Department of Veterans Affairs
        • Benefits Programs
        • Departmental Administration
        • Other
        • Veterans Health Administration
      • Corps of Engineers
        • Construction
        • Operations and Maintenance
        • Other
      • Environmental Protection Agency
        • Other
        • State and Tribal Grants
      • Executive Office of the President
        • Armstrong Resolution
        • Council of Economic Advisers
        • Council on Environmental Quality and Office of Environmental Quality
        • Council on International Economic Policy
        • Council on Wage and Price Stability
        • Executive Residence at the White House
        • Expenses of Management Improvement
        • National Critical Materials Council
        • National Security Council and Homeland Security Council
        • National Space Council
        • Office of Administration
        • Office of Drug Abuse Policy
        • Office of Management and Budget
        • Office of National Drug Control Policy
        • Office of National Service
        • Office of Policy Development
        • Office of Science and Technology Policy
        • Office of Telecommunications Policy
        • Office of the United States Trade Representative
        • Other
        • Presidential Transition
        • Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention
        • Special Assistance to the President and the Official Residence of the Vice President
        • The Points of Light Foundation
        • The White House
        • Unanticipated Needs
        • White House Conference for a Drug Free America
      • Federal Drug Control Programs
        • High Intensity Program
        • Other
      • General Services Administration
        • General Activities
        • Office of Personnel Management
        • Other
        • Real Property Activities
        • Supply and Technology Activities
      • International Aid Programs
        • African Development Foundation
        • Agency for International Development
        • Development Finance Corporation
        • Economic Stabilization Activities
        • Inter-American Foundation
        • International Commodity Agreements
        • International Monetary Programs
        • International Security Assistance
        • Military Sales Program
        • Millennium Challenge Corporation
        • Multilateral Assistance
        • Other
        • Overseas Private Investment Corporation
        • Peace Corps
        • Special Assistance Initiatives
        • Special Assistance for Israel
        • Trade and Development Agency
      • Judicial Branch
        • Administrative Office of the United States Courts
        • Bicentennial Expenses, The Judiciary
        • Court of Claims
        • Court of Customs and Patent Appeals
        • Courts of Appeals, District Courts, and Other Judicial Services
        • Federal Judicial Center
        • Judicial Retirement Funds
        • National Commission on Judicial Discipline and Removal
        • Other
        • Supreme Court of the United States
        • The Judiciary, activities
        • United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
        • United States Court of International Trade
        • United States Sentencing Commission
        • Violent Crime Reduction Programs
      • Legislative Branch
        • Architect of the Capitol
        • Botanic Garden
        • Capitol Police
        • Congressional Budget Office
        • Government Accountability Office
        • Government Publishing Office
        • House of Representatives
        • John C. Stennis Center for Public Service Training and Development
        • Joint Items
        • Legislative Branch Boards and Commissions
        • Library of Congress
        • Office of Congressional Workplace Rights
        • Other
        • Senate
        • United States Tax Court
      • NASA
        • Other
        • Space Flight
      • Office of Personnel Management
        • Civil Service Retirement/Disability
        • Other
      • Other Defense Civil Programs
        • American Battle Monuments Commission
        • Armed Forces Retirement Home
        • Cemeterial Expenses
        • Educational Benefits
        • Forest and Wildlife Conservation, Military Reservations
        • Military Retirement
        • Other
        • Retiree Health Care
        • Ryukyu Islands, Army
        • Selective Service System
        • The Mildred and Claude Pepper Foundation
      • Small Business Administration
        • Other
        • Salaries and Expenses
      • Social Security Administration
        • Other
        • Retirement
        • SSDI
        • SSI
        • Other
          • ACTION
          • Administrative Conference of the United States
          • Advisory Commission on Conferences in Ocean Shipping
          • Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
          • Advisory Committee on Federal Pay
          • Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
          • American Revolution Bicentennial Administration
          • Appalachian Regional Commission
          • Access Board
          • Aviation Safety Commission
          • Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation
          • Cabinet Comm. on Opportunities for Spanish
          • Central Intelligence Agency
          • Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Jubilee Commission
          • Citizens' Commission on Public Service and Compensation
          • U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad
          • Commission for the Study of International Migration and Cooperative Economic Development
          • Commission of Fine Arts
          • Commission on Agricultural Workers
          • Commission on American Shipbuilding
          • Commission on Civil Rights
          • Commission on Education of the Deaf
          • Payment to Puerto Rico Oversight Board
          • Commission on Federal Paperwork
          • Commission on Government Procurement
          • Commission on National and Community Service
          • Commission on Highway Beautification
          • Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution
          • Comm. on Org. of Gov. for Conduct of Foreign Policy
          • Comm. on Review of Nat. Policy Toward Gambling
          • Commission on the Ukraine Famine
          • Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled
          • Commodity Futures Trading Commission
          • Community Development Credit Unions Rev. Fund
          • Community Services Administration (vice Organization)
          • Construction Corregidor-Bataan Memorial
          • Consumer Product Safety Commission
          • Corporation for Public Broadcasting
          • United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
          • Defense Manpower Commission
          • Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
          • Delaware River Basin Commission
          • District of Columbia
          • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
          • Export-Import Bank of the United States
          • Farm Credit Administration
          • Farm Credit System Assistance Board
          • Farm Credit System Financial Assistance Corporation
          • Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation
          • Federal Communications Commission
          • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
          • Federal Election Commission
          • Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council
          • Federal Housing Finance Board
          • Federal Labor Relations Authority
          • Federal Maritime Commission
          • Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
          • Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
          • Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
          • Federal Trade Commission
          • Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Commission
          • Harry S Truman Scholarship Foundation
          • Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture and Arts Development
          • United States Interagency Council on Homelessness
          • International Cultural and Trade Center Commission
          • International Trade Commission
          • Interstate Commerce Commission
          • Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin
          • James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation
          • Japan-United States Friendship Commission
          • Joint Commission on the Coinage
          • Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Comm.
          • Legal Services Corporation
          • Lowell Historical Canyon District Commission
          • Marine Mammal Commission
          • Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal Holiday Commission
          • Merit Systems Protection Board
          • Motor Carrier Ratemaking Study Commission
          • National Afro-American History and Culture Commission
          • National Alcohol Fuels Commission
          • National Archives and Records Administration
          • National Capital Planning Commission
          • National Commission on American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Housing
          • Nat. Comm. for Review of Federal and State Laws
          • National Commission on Agricultural Finance
          • National Commission on Libraries and Information Science
          • National Commission on Migrant Education
          • National Commission on Responsibilities for Financing Postsecondary Education
          • National Commission on Severely Distressed Public Housing
          • National Commission on Social Security
          • National Commission on Student Financial Assist.
          • National Commission on Supplies and Shortages
          • Nat Comm on Financing of Postsecondary Education
          • Nat Comm on the International Year of the Child
          • Nat Comm on the Observance of Inter Year of Women
          • National Commission on Water Quality
          • National Commission to Prevent Infant Mortality
          • National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse
          • National Council on Disability
          • National Council on Public Works Improvement
          • National Credit Union Administration
          • National Economic Commission
          • National Endowment for the Arts
          • National Endowment for the Humanities
          • National Institute of Building Sciences
          • National Labor Relations Board
          • National Mediation Board
          • National Science Foundation
          • National Transportation Policy Study Commission
          • National Transportation Safety Board
          • National Water Commission
          • Native Hawaiians Study Commission
          • Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation
          • Nuclear Regulatory Commission
          • Nuclear Safety Oversight Committee
          • Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board
          • Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
          • Office of Government Ethics
          • Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation
          • Office of Special Counsel
          • Office of the Nuclear Waste Negotiator
          • Panama Canal Commission
          • Postal Service
          • Pres.Comm.for Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine
          • President's Commission on Catastrophic Nuclear Accidents
          • President's Commission on Pension Policy
          • President's Council on Youth Opportunities
          • Privacy Protection Study Commission
          • Railroad Retirement Board
          • Renegotiation Board
          • Resolution Trust Corporation
          • Securities and Exchange Commission
          • Select Commission on Immigration & Refugee Policy
          • Smithsonian Institution
          • State Justice Institute
          • Susquehanna River Basin Commission
          • Tennessee Valley Authority
          • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
          • United States Institute of Peace
          • United States Metric Board
          • United States Railway Association
          • Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
          • Water Resources Council
          • Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation
          • Intelligence Community Management Account
          • FDIC Affordable Housing Program
          • Joint Federal-State Commission on Policies and Programs Affecting Alaska Natives
          • National Advisory Council on the Public Service
          • Surface Transportation Board
          • Institute of Museum and Library Services
          • Thomas Jefferson Commemoration Commission
          • United Mine Workers of America Benefit Funds
          • Emergency Loan Guarantee Board
          • National Council on Indian Opportunities
          • Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission
          • National Commission on Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement
          • Corporation for National and Community Service
          • United States Enrichment Corporation Fund
          • Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation
          • JFK Assassination Records Review Board
          • National Education Goals Panel
          • Ounce of Prevention Council
          • National Bankruptcy Review Commission
          • Other Commissions and Boards
          • River Basin Commissions
          • Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
          • Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia
          • Presidio Trust
          • Denali Commission
          • U.S. Agency for Global Media
          • Commission on Ocean Policy
          • Oklahoma City National Memorial Trust
          • Delta Regional Authority
          • National Veterans Business Development Corporation
          • Vietnam Education Foundation
          • United States-Canada Alaska Rail Commission
          • Election Assistance Commission
          • Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
          • Standard Setting Body
          • Telecommunications Development Fund
          • Affordable Housing Program
          • Electric Reliability Organization
          • Office of the Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects
          • Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board
          • Federal Housing Finance Agency
          • Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board
          • Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency
          • National Association of Registered Agents and Brokers
          • National Oilheat Research Alliance
          • Northern Border Regional Commission
          • National Railroad Passenger Corporation Office of Inspector General
          • Securities Investor Protection Corporation
          • Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund
          • Corporation for Travel Promotion
          • Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
          • Indian Law and Order Commission
          • Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council
          • Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia
          • National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service
          • Public Buildings Reform Board
          • Allowances
          • Undistributed Offsetting Receipts
          • Miscellaneous Receipts Below the Reporting Threshold

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