Year of Federal Spending Cuts, 2018

January 16, 2018

Downsizing CoverAs an optimist, and I hereby proclaim 2018 “Year of Federal Spending Cuts.” To kick-off the celebrations, Cato has published Downsizing Federal Government Spending.

The new book discusses federal spending cuts on agriculture, education, health care, infrastructure, welfare, and many other activities. The cuts would save money, boost growth, and increase freedom.

Congress needs to kick the deficit-spending habit, and the new book can help kick-start reforms. Do lawmakers really want to kick younger generations in the teeth by growing the debt? I hope not, but the way some of them spend, it’s as if they know they will kick the bucket before the bill comes due.

You will get a kick out of this book. The kicker? It’s just $9.99 from

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