Ryan Bourne

The “Build Back Better” Childcare Disaster

The Democrats’ “Build Back Better” proposals for childcare represent a disastrous step in the ongoing government takeover of the sector - raising care costs, creating dependence, and instilling incentives against work and earning more income along the way.

Yes, the National Debt Is Still a Problem. Always Was.

Cato adjunct scholar John Cochrane has written a great piece on “national debt denial,” which I recommend reading in full.

Government Infrastructure

According to frontline politicians, “now” is always the right time, economically speaking, for governments to invest heavily in infrastructure.

Minimum Wage Laws Will Weaken Recovery

COVID-19 is wreaking havoc on American jobs. State shutdowns and social distancing have resulted in 26 million people being laid off and furloughed.

$2 trillion: The Infrastructure Answer To What Question?

Media reports suggest President Trump and Democrat leaders have agreed in principle to a $2 trillion infrastructure plan “to upgrade the nation’s highways, railroads, bridges and broadband.”

Bernie Sanders' Jobs Idea

Democrats are plugging new energy into an old idea: a federal “Jobs Guarantee” program.

U.S. Only Country With Rising Debt Ratio

Where government debt is concerned, advanced economies should be fixing the roof while the sun shines.

Budget Restraints That Work

The experiences of Chile, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom with explicit fiscal rules offer lessons on how the United States can contain the growth in federal government debt.

Shake Shack Planning for Higher Minimum Wages

CNBC reports that the burger chain Shake Shack is planning to trial a new restaurant in New York which will not have a traditional cashier’s counter.

Minimum Wage Damage in Seattle

Last week, Thomas Firey blogged here on how proponents of higher minimum wages tend to be selective when reviewing the academic literature.


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