Chris Edwards

Fiscal Effects of School Choice

School choice reforms are spreading across the nation. Governments in 33 states are now providing financial support for private schooling through 80 different programs, as shown in this figure from EdChoice. About one million students are benefiting from these reforms.


Business Subsidies and State Tax Climates

In researching Cato’s governor report cards, I’ve found that high‐tax states appear to hand out the most special‐interest breaks and subsidies. Let’s look at some supporting data.

Biden’s Phony Deficit Reduction

President Biden’s new federal budget proposes high spending and huge deficits for years to come. The deficits are expected to boost government debt held by the public from $28 trillion this year to $45 trillion by 2034.

President Biden’s Proposed Budget

President Biden has released his proposed federal budget for fiscal year 2025 and beyond. The proposal includes a raft of spending increases, including new subsidies for childcare, housing, college, health care, paid leave, refundable tax credits, home care, and many other things. It also includes a bevy of large tax increases, including higher rates on individual income, corporate income, and capital gains.

Affordable Housing: Tax Credits vs Deregulation

Policymakers across the nation are concerned about the high costs of housing for moderate‐income families. One federal response to the problem is the low‐income housing tax credit (LIHTC), which provides income tax credits to developers of multifamily housing. Currently, Congress is considering expanding the LIHTC and adding a new middle‐income or workforce version of the credit.

Decentralize Spending to Tackle Government Debt

The federal government’s debt is rising to dangerous and unprecedented heights. Compared to the size of the economy, the debt will soon reach levels never seen in our nation’s history.

The Solution to Soaring Debt

Cutting federal aid to the states would reduce our national debt while improving governance.

How Large Is the Federal Debt?

The federal government’s debt is massive and growing rapidly. How massive? Federal debt held by the public of $28.5 trillion is eight times larger than the combined debt of all state and local governments of $3.3 trillion.

Need for Farm Subsidy Cuts

As Congress considers a farm bill in coming months, it should keep in mind that farm household incomes have risen greatly over the decades.

EWG Farm Policy Summit

With the congressional debate over a new farm bill on the horizon, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) held a conference today to examine farm policies. The speakers included both environmentalists and fiscal conservatives who share views that some farm programs are anti‐​green and benefit wealthy landowners who do not need the money. The EWG has been a leader in calling for farm subsidy reform.


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